Pease Pottage 01403 275 276
Petersfield 01730 777 350
Maidstone 01795 843 866

2021 Suppliers Price Increase Notification Update

Dear Customer,

Re: Supplier Price Increases

We write to update you further on notifications received from our suppliers on their price increase information for 2021.

Our Suppliers have communicated that due to the continued rise of Covid-19 related operational costs including freight and the continued rise in costs of raw materials, many will be implementing further price increases. Due to the increases received, we will unfortunately need to increase our prices further in 2021 accordingly. Please be aware that where applicable, any outstanding Ex-Works orders will also increase by the margins below. The rates have mostly been effective from 1st April 2021 with additional increases received commencing from 1st May 2021.

Please find below an example of the main published increases received to date, together with the increases advised previously.

Due to the ongoing situation around freight and raw material availability, some suppliers are warning of possible further increases throughout the year. We will endeavour to keep you updated with any relevant market information, as we are notified.

May we take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for your continued valuable support, particularly in such difficult circumstances.

Yours sincerely


Duane Long
Commercial Director